While outdoor air quality is a common concern and weather apps often report it, indoor air quality is rarely monitored. This can be a serious problem. For instance, radon, a colorless and odorless gas, is a leading cause for lung cancer in non-smokers in US. Radon levels are commonly highest in basements and crawl spaces because these areas are closest to the source and are typically poorly ventilated. Wave Plus from the company Airthings is a device that measures the level of radon and monitors indoor air quality continuously. Specifically, the device measures radon, carbon dioxide, total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), humidity, and air pressure. All the data are shown in a mobile app via Bluetooth. Wave Plus can also work with Alexa and Google Assistant for smart phone integration.
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Location: Norway
To detect radon that is odorless and colorless
Have a sensor for the gas and stream the data to a mobile app
Further Possibilities
1. Monitor pathogens in the air with a device
2. Connect the air quality data with health data to boost health
3. Use the large scale indoor air quality data for the study of geology and meteorology
4. Monitor the carbon footprint of each home
5. Monitor water quality at home and feed the data to a smart home system
1. What might be all the variables to measure at home?
2. What might be all the indicators for air quality?
3. What might be all the variables to control to enhance human happiness?