Cutting-Edge Insights into Innovation

2.5D Display

Credit: Cubios, Inc

Video games typically are shown on a single display, but does it have to be just one? What if the characters of a game can jump across multiple screens? What if the screens form a cube? And what if the cube is like a Rubik’s Cube? WOWCube is a console and the gaming platform that contains eight cubicle modules and 24 screens, as shown in the picture above. The system can respond to twists, tilts, shakes and taps. Games based on this system have been developed, such as arcades, puzzles, casual games, and educational games. With this Rubik’s Cube type of structure, the system promotes 3-dimensional thinking, motor skills, and cognitive functions. In addition, the system can be paired with a smartphone with Bluetooth and load apps or games. It may also be connected to a smart home system and display weather or photos. Now a Rubik’s Cube might look a bit dull in comparison.

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Location: California, US


To make Rubik’s Cube more fun
Turn each square into a mini-digital-screen

Further Possibilities

1.Build 3-D displays of objects, such as human anatomy
2.Build a tool for creative exploration
3.Build a 3-D display with a spherical screen
4.Use biometrics of all ten fingerprints
5.Make foldable phones based on these technologies


1.What might be all the uses of a 3-D display?
2.What would Steve Jobs do with this technology?
3.What might be all the problems this technology can solve?


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