Cutting-Edge Insights into Innovation


Increase Healthspan with Data Analytics

Having a long and healthy life is a universal desire, yet many people do not achieve that. A major challenge is that there are too many factors influencing health and aging, making it difficult to monitor and manage. Biolytica, a company based in Switzerland, offers a program called AIME that aims at promoting customers’ longevity. Specifically, a customer is tested in DNA, microbiome, metabolism, stress, hormone, and immune system. Based on this rich set of data and lifestyle information, their scientific experts explain the customer’s health condition and make highly customized recommendation and plan for increasing healthspan (the number of years someone is healthy without chronic and debilitating disease).

In addition, the company develops a data analytics platform for clinicians named NEXUS. To help doctors develop customized preventive healthcare plans, the platform enables long-term monitoring of health data, including genetic data and the affected pathways, microbiome data, blood test results, imaging reports, clinical notes, nutrition information, and the data from wearables and home devices. With all these data, doctors can create a customizable longevity dashboard with aging clocks. The platform also provides a patient app for data access and communication.

Link: Company Website
Contact: Webpage
Location: Switzerland


The purpose
To make healthcare more customized
The idea 
Consider a wide range of information, including genetic information and lifestyle information

Further Possibilities

1. Add psychological and emotional data into a person’s health profile
2. Use a Chatbot in communicating health information
3. Train AI with the comprehensive set of data to predict lifespan and healthspan
4. Use wearables to help implement healthcare plans
5. Use genetic data to customize cosmetics


1. How might we reduce the cost in fully customizing healthcare?
2. How do we handle the risk of using AI in personalizing healthcare?
3. How might we balance the need for privacy and the need for data?